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The Thermæ of Agrippa, of which the Pantheon is the only portion that remains, had been the earliest of the nice public baths for which imperial Rome was famous. Other aqueducts had been constructed during the imperial interval. The oldest was that constructed by Appius Claudius Caecus in 312 B. C., which brought water from springs greater than seven miles away. This was our own old manner again, as far as the Pont de Bonpas; then our highway wound to the northeast, away from the world we knew-I stated to myself-and into a world of romance, a world created by the love of Petrarch for Laura, and sacred to these two for ever more. The inhabitants in the time of Vespasian has been estimated at 2,000,000, however it is extremely uncertain if it ever exceeded 1,000,000. The walls, which enclose nearly 4,000 acres, are 14 miles in circumference, with 15 gates, two of that are closed. In this valley was situated the Discussion board, containing about two and one half acres, which turned each the market and the place of political meeting for the tribes that occupied the encompassing hills. My homepage ::
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